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Catching Up is Fun To Do

Last week, we had a mini mission reunion. Ultra mini since it was just me, Jason and Jun, who is back in the US, plus spouses and kids, well one kid.  We went to Hires, such an eatery staple for us.  It was fun to see old friends and catch up.
Jason, Me, Danny, Jun, Katie and Liza.
The day before Halloween we had our neighborhood trunk-or-treat at the church parking lot.  I was asked to help out with the photo booth, since my job is helping set up photo shoots.  I'm not sure how great of an idea that was, because then I turned into work Jannifer who can be bossy Jannifer.  I had to walk away a few times so the young women who were helping out wouldn't hate me.  Ironically, I didn't get any pictures of this event.

For Halloween night, we hung out with Noelle, Jared and Baby C.  We made Halloween pizzas, ate a little too much candy and watched "Edward Scissorhands", such a classic.

Here's my jack-o-lantern pizza.
Noelle's spiderweb pizza.
Nom, Nom, Nom.
Cute Noelle and cute Baby C.
"Hey Aunt Janni, you're taking pictures of me!"  PS We didn't actually
let him eat any candy, no worries.
Baby C hanging out with Uncle Danny.
Last weekend, we also had a game night with my brother Mark and his wife JanaRae.  We played our favorite card game Bohnanza.  Funny story, towards the end of our first game, my nephew Super R sat by me and asked if he could be on my team.  Of course I said yes, because he is darling.  I told him I was going to win because he was giving me good luck and also because I really thought I was going to win.  At the completion of the game, we counted up our points.  Turns out Danny beat me by one point.  I got a little competitive and was getting after Danny for beating me.  Then Super R raised his little hands in triumph and said so sweetly, "Yay Janni, we got second place!"  Talk about a humbling moment for me.

Also, this past weekend we went and saw the play Macbeth.  If you look at the program which I kindly took a picture of, you will see that the score for the play was by my husband, Danny.  I was so proud of him!  The music added to the performance so much.  He did a fantastic job as well as the New World Shakespeare Company.

Also, I made these pumpkin waffles a little while ago.  They were amazingly delicious, thick and pumpkin-y. Seriously, you will get full off of one.  Here's the recipe.

Speaking of making things, I also finished my little turkey craft for Thanksgiving that I started in St. George when visiting my sister Michele.  I was pleased with how it turned out.

I think that gets us all caught up to date.  Side note, last night was Bonfire Night, but unfortunately it snowed so there was no bonfire and I haven't been feeling well all this week, so no celebrating either.  Too bad.


  1. I like the Halloween pizzas you and your sister made. Very clever.
    Tell Danny I am super proud of him for doing a musical score for MacBeth. I would like to hear it if possible.


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