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The Olympics!!!!

It is official, we are Olympic junkies in this household.  We are watching women's swimming as I speak.  I love the Olympics, especially that they are in England this year.  Not only am I constantly getting excitable by the competitions, but also when I see areas on screen that I recognize from England.  Honestly, I don't even care what sport it is, I love it all.  Which is so funny, because I'm not really a sporty person.  I just like seeing people living their dreams.  I've teared up more than once (or twice) for both the athletes who win and lose.  The Olympics, so emotional.  Anyway, to ring in the Olympics, I put together a fun British dinner for Danny and me while we watched the opening ceremonies.  Any excuse to eat English chocolate.

These are brought to you, well to me, by the London
Market in Salt Lake City.  

Cheese scones from the British Market.

A popcorn "torch".

Danny raising his popcorn torch to the Olympics.

Dinner!  We had Indian food, because there is lots of
Indian food in England and I didn't feel like cooking
a proper English meal, which is roast, potatoes,
Yorkshire puddings, mushy peas and lots of gravy.
Maybe next time.


  1. I LOVE ALL OF THAT CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That candy does look yummy! And I love that you had Indian food. They do eat a lot of curry and now I want some.

  3. SWEET!!! That picture of Danny raising his Olympic torch of popcorn is hilarious!!! How fun! Did you like the opening ceremonies? My favorite was the Mr. Bean/Chariots of Fire section! So funny!

  4. We're junkies, too. Your Opening Ceremonies dinner looks fantastic. Great job, Jannifer! I particularly like the dessert . . . mmmmmm, Cadbury chocolate.

  5. I didn't see much of the Olympics this year, but I did enjoy the Mr. Bean segment in the opening ceremonies. I read that the London Market (is it in Trolley Square?)was doing great business because of the Olympics. I love your English flag and the popcorn torch, but what happened to the Union Jack?

  6. Camille - I knew you would understand the joy of English chocolate. Becky - I missed the first half of the ceremonies, so the main part we saw was the countries walking in, but it was still fun to celebrate. Heather - Why thank you and glad to hear you are enjoying the Olympics too. Mama Wood - I'm sure the London Market got great business with the Olympics being in London. They actually moved to a larger location by Liberty park. And I would have put up a Union Jack as well, except I don't own one.

  7. Katie - Thank you so much for understanding the joys of curly wurlys. If there ever was a chocolate bar that could make me swoon, it would be those. (Or Galaxy chocolate from the UK.) Also, thanks.


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