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Sweetest Things

* I almost decided to not write this post after reading the news this morning about the shooting in Colorado.  My heart aches for the victims and the families of those affected by this senseless violence.  Reading the updates on the news websites has left me with a gloomy feeling all morning.  But then I thought one of the purposes of my blog is to focus on the good things in life.  My own little reminder of the many blessings I have.  I still believe there is more good, love and charity than evil and hate in this world.  So this is my own little way of pushing back on the inhumane and selfish individuals that get so much media attention by listing a few things that made my heart smile this week.  In the words of a friend who posted on facebook this morning who is from Colorado... "We need to keep believing in the good even though we are surrounded by so much bad.  I promise, there are more of us than them."

Sweet Thing #1
A week or two ago the husband excitedly led me back to our study/craft room/guest room/room of all versatility because he had something to show me.  Without saying a word he placed headphones on my head and played this song, which he composed.  At the end he asked me what I thought of it.  I told him that I loved it and it was one of my new favorites of his.  He smiled and said, "Good, I wrote it for you.  You were the inspiration for it."  Yes, I completely melted at the moment.  What a sweet gift.  I love the perks of being married to a musician.

Sweet Thing #2
So I mentioned last week how our car was stolen (and found the next day.)  Before we knew if we were ever going to see our little Honda again, we received so many sweet and kind offers from friends and family members ranging from rides whenever we needed them to the use of their cars until we got something figured out.  By all means, a stolen car is not the end of the world, but I was so touched by these offers.  Thanks for caring wonderful people.

Sweet Thing #3
Last weekend I mentioned we watched our 5 nephews, which was such a blast, might I add.  One way I have found to entertain my cute nephew Super R is by giving him my point-and-shoot camera to take pictures with.  He is actually a pretty impressive 4-year-old photographer.  Plus I love seeing the pictures he takes when I get the camera back.  Seeing his point of view always cracks me up.  But when I saw these pictures, I couldn't stop laughing.

Anyone who reads this blog knows I have a weird hobby of taking pictures of my feet when I visit new places.  It's not that I think my feet are particularly attractive, I just started doing it back in high school because I thought it was funny and it just kind of stuck.  I asked Super R why he took pictures of his feet.  His response with a shrug of his shoulders, "I don't know, I just felt like it."  Apparently feet photography runs in the family.  (To anyone who has a phobia of feet, ummm, this blog is probably really uncomfortable for you.  Sorry about that.)

Sweet Thing #4
I think I've declared my love for the short-lived show "Pushing Daisies" on this blog before.  I have always longed for more.  I saw this announcement earlier this week and it got my hopes up, a lot.  Oh please let it be a movie or a web series.  That would bring me such joy.

Ok my friends, those are some of things that brought me joy.  Feel free to share some of yours!!


  1. haha love ryan's feet pics! and i'm glad you posted this. i agree with you, there is more good in the world. it's too bad the news doesn't show more of it. we always hear the bad.

  2. I laughed out loud when I saw Ryan's feet. Thanks again for watching my groupies. And I am SO excited about Pushing Daisies. I love surprises and am excited to see what's next.

  3. I really enjoyed Danny's "Companion Song". Ryan's feet are so cute! So, do you think the feet obsession is hereditary?


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