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A Story about a Window

Have you ever had those moments when you ask yourself, "How did I get myself in such a odd situation?"  I had one of those moments just the other day.

A week or so ago Danny picked me up from work like usual.  He had the driver's side window rolled down, a common occurrence.  I mentioned I was chilly, so Danny tried to roll up the window, but nothing happened.  We attributed it to the short in the wire and figured we would wait a few minutes and it would be fine.  Alas, it was not fine. No matter how many times we turned the car on and off, the short was permanent.  We soon figured out the electronics to the whole driver's side door was out, including the button needed to pop the latch to fill the gas tank.  Not only was our window stuck, but we also couldn't fill up our car.  Luckily this all occurred when we still had a half a tank of gas.  I had a minor freak out since it was supposed to rain that night and I didn't want the whole interior of our car to be ruined as well.

Danny got to work, he called the mechanics and made an appointment.  They couldn't see our car until early the next morning.  Danny had a work meeting, so I volunteered to take the car in.  Then Danny with his Macgyver skills created a covering for our window with a little bit of duct tape and a tarp to protect the leather seats from any oncoming storm.

I found myself the next morning wrapped in blankets, my winter coat and scarf cruising down I-15 with a constant, frigid breeze on my face.  I got a few weird looks during my drive, yes people I do realize that my window is down and it is only 40 degrees outside.  However, I did have a struck of luck and the storm held off until later that day.  By the time I arrived at the mechanics my hair was a bit skiwampus, to say the least.

I dropped off our car and was told by the dealership that they had a shuttle that could take me downtown to work.  The shuttle, I soon found out, was actually an old man in a car.  I never learned my driver's name, but in my head I called him Frank.  So Frank kindly took me to work and since we didn't know each other we talked about the flow of traffic for 15 minutes, because really what else was there to say?  Our conversation went something like this...

Frank:  "It isn't that busy this morning."
Me:  "Yes, that's a pleasant surprise."
Frank:  "We are in luck."
Me:  "Yes, we are."
Frank:  "I don't think we will even need to use the HOV lane."
Me:  "No, this lane seems to be just fine."
And so forth...

In this middle of this conversation, it struck me, the "how did I get myself in this odd situation" moment.  The humor of this situation hit me so hard. I struggled to hold back my giggles, which I think might of confused Frank on why the HOV lane was so funny to me. The tarp covering, driving in freezing weather with a stuck, rolled down window, the state of my hair, being taken to work by some old man, seriously hilarious.  Life is funny.  (The cost of fixing some wires in your car door is not as funny.)

The next morning I woke up not remembering my dream, but I had the words, "A new car!" in Bob Barker's voice running through my head.  I imparted this inspiration with Danny that we needed to go to The Price is Right to fix our car problems.  Danny just laughed, as he usually does, at my crazy ideas.  But seriously, I really want to go to The Price is Right.  Anyway, the car is fixed and all is well.


  1. Glad your car is fixed and you got a funny story to boot!

  2. Strange but funny! I bet the worst part of it all was how much it cost to have it fixed!!

  3. Thanks for sharing your humorous take on this adventure. I glad Danny used some of the Wood family rigging skills to cope with the situation.

  4. Yeah, I know from experience that electronic windows are expensive; that's why we specifically got the manual ones for our first minivan. I'm back to the electronic kind, but I must say I'm glad I have a garage!


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