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As mentioned before, I gave up sugar (meaning desserts) except on holidays for Lent.  I really have been doing good. I've turned down cake, pie and even my favorite Easter candy, chocolate Cadbury eggs (cue mouth watering now).  However, during all this temptation I held strong...that is until I ran into my real Achilles heel.  Before I share what it is, you must understand what a weakened state I was in.

Danny and I were on our way home from St. George.  We had been in the car for a few hours and road trip boredom started setting in.  This led to a bit of random delirium needed to help entertain myself.  All I remember was after seeing a sign that was advertising land for sale, I tried to convince Danny that we should buy a few acres and live off the land like our ancestors.  He told me "No". I then changed the plans and decided we could use the land to build a funny roadside tourist trap off of I-15 and charge people to see it. Something like the world's biggest ball of floss or tallest tin can pyramid.  (Actually part of me still really likes that idea.)  In the middle of this conversation my sister Noelle texted me and invited us to drop by on our way home.  Needing a break from the car, we were happy to do so.

When we walked into the door, Noelle had made fresh chocolate chip cookies for everyone.  The smell was sweet heaven.  Noelle knew of my sugarless Lent, so she had made me a cheese plater.  As I munched on my cheese and crackers I watched everyone else bite into chocolate chip perfection.  During our whole visit, I held on to my goal.  Then Noelle put together a plate of cookies for us to take home.  Danny was driving, so I held the warm plate of cookies all the way home.  Warm, fresh cookies was all I could think about, especially with the constant delicious smell finding its way to my nose.

When we got home, Danny asked what I wanted to do.  Unpack?  No.  Check the mail?  No.  My one and only response:  Eat cookies.  And that I did.  Two of them to be precise, with milk.  I didn't feel too guilty since I'm not actually Catholic and Lent is a Catholic tradition.  Nor do I blame Noelle for my downfall.  It isn't her fault that she has gourmet skills. I fell to the cookie craving for a day or two after this incident.  But no worries, I regained my self control, froze the rest of the cookies for a later date and I'm back on the sugarless bandwagon.  I even turned down chocolate cream pie last night.  Let's hope I can make this last.


  1. Good for you for being so strong for so long!! I don't think I could do it! And if it was going to be something to make you give in, why not chocolate chip cookies?! They are the best!!

  2. I don't know how you've lasted this long, Jannifer! On Saturday during the Priesthood session I had a chocolate party with some girl friends. There was so much deliciousness to eat but afterward we all felt pretty sick. Haha

  3. Well, I haven't been doing so great this week, oh well, at least I started strong. A chocolate party sounds fun!


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