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Birthday Celebrations, part 1 (Saturday Edition)

Following in the tradition I was raised (which is to celebrate birthdays to the max), I celebrated all weekend long to embrace my new age of 28.  I'm actually quite pleased with the age of 28, because I like even numbers better than odd numbers; 28 just seems like a much more solid number than 27.

I started the weekend fun by sleeping in.  Then I used one of my favorite bridal shower gifts, a foot spa.  My sister-in-laws Katie and Becky gave this to me and it was delightful.  I could see this becoming a daily habit.  While letting my feet soak in bubbly bliss, I read the book my friend Becky got me "A Covenant Heart" by Bruce C. Hafen.  I figured I wasn't being too self-indulgent/centered if I read a Church book as well.

Bubbly Bliss

Pretty Painted Toenails
Then Danny came home from class and surprised me with these...
These flowers make me happy every time I
enter our kitchen.
Danny and I faced the downpour/blizzard outside and went and saw the new movie of Jane Eyre.  It was very well done.  A little dark though, which is kind of expected since the book definitely has its dark parts.  I loved the cast and the England shots.  It was made the same company who made the most recent movie of Pride and Prejudice.  I was hoping Jane Eyre would be as artistically filmed as Pride and Prejudice was.  However, there weren't as many beautiful  and unique camera shots in Jane Eyre, which I was a little disappointed in.  (People, I work with filmmakers, I can't help but notice these things.)

After the movie, Danny and I did a little birthday shopping.  We then met up with Noelle and Jared and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  It was a long wait to get in, but the food was de-lish.
Jared and Noelle
Me and Danny
Afterwards we decided to work off a bit of dinner by going bowling!  I'm such a horrible bowler, but we still had fun.  The very first round I bowled, I got a strike!  That is completely rare for me.  I thought maybe I was being blessed by the birthday fairy with bowling skills.  However, then I got a few gutter balls and knew it was a fluke.  I came in last for our first game.  For our second game, I made a come back and came in first!  I think that is because everyone else wasn't bowling that great, haha.

Noelle celebrating her awesome bowling skills

Danny up to bat...err...bowl

Sister picture!

Psychedelic bowling balls

I told Noelle and Jared that if they weren't already married
they could have used this as an engagement photo.  Because
engagement photos at a bowling alley are classy.

Danny and Me

Bowling Shoe Foot shot!  (You knew it was coming)


  1. You are such a hoot!! I love all the foot funny! Glad you had a great birthday celebration all weekend long!!!
    I didn't know there was a new Jane Eyre out. I'll have to wait for it to come on DVD. Who played Jane?

  2. Thanks Becky. Mia Wasikowska plays Jane. I thought she did a fabulous job. She was also in the new Alice in Wonderland.

  3. Love the bowling shoes. I'm glad you had a fun birthday.


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