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The Birthday Bash

So on my birthday eve, my very last day in my 20's, I felt this day should be spent with friends.  I realize that I'm kind of treating turning 30 a little bit like I'm dying or something.  You know, wanting to be surrounded by loved ones before passing on to the new decade and all.  I don't mean to treat 30 that way.  I just made a goal not to be depressed about growing older. (Which seems ironic to say since I just compared growing older to death, but never mind.) There are things you can't change, age, the weather, other people's attitudes, etc.  I'm finding in my life it is better to embrace than try to dispute these non-changing aspects of life, so a party it was!  Ok, enough Jannifer philosophy.

I was really grateful to my various friends who took the time to go out to dinner with me at Red Iguana and talk about random topics with me.  You ladies are the best!  I also should add, that my hilarious and talented cousin Julia came over to my house after the dinner to hang out, chat and jam with Danny, since she couldn't make the actual meal.  As well, my amazing friend Krista met up with me one evening and took me out to dinner too.  We sat and talked for hours and solved world problems, because that is what we do.  (Krista, just so you know, you are one of my favorite people to talk to you.  You always uplift me.)  How grateful I am to those wonderful friends and family members for making time for me. (Quality time is my love language.)  Also thanks for all the emails, texts, facebook messages and phone calls that made me feel so loved.  What wonderful, lovely people I have in my life.

Me, Talena and Laura.
Rachel, Alison and Me. I get to be in the dinner pics twice because it's
my birthday.
As for my actual birthday, I woke up and went to work, but only for a half day.  Should I admit the main purpose of going to work that morning was so I could go out to lunch with my dad?  My dad was kind enough to take me out to lunch and I even got a piece of cake for dessert.  I'm so sad I missed getting pics of such a fun event.  Thanks Dad!

I then came home to a small birthday celebration put together by Danny.  What a sweet husband I have.  He had set out all my presents, just waiting to be opened.  
What I came home to.  The beautiful flowers in the back
were from my wonderful friend Rachel.
Yay, present time!
Trying to perform "Heavy, heavy hang over thy poor head..." by myself.
Does anyone else do this little tradition at birthdays or are you all
scratching your heads trying to figure out what I'm talking about?
Strangely enough, both Danny and myself were both raised with
this tradition.
Thanks for the help, husband.
At this point I was just trying to balance the gift on my head, because it
seemed like a good idea at the time.  Apparently maturity doesn't change
over night when one enters their 30's.
My love and me.  I was so pleased with the thoughtful gifts Danny got me.  He
got me books of both the literary and cooking kind, which I wanted, a maxi
skirt, belt, a cute little necklace and more.  Thanks Danny!
After the gift opening, Danny and I packed up our car and embarked on an adventure. I had planned a little road trip over a long weekend, partially for my birthday but also just to get away.  It was splendid.  On the way down, we dropped by to see my mom and my grandma, two women who I owe a lot to concerning even having a birthday.  I sure love them both.

Me and my mom.  See, more "Heavy hang over..." 
Then Danny and I took meandering highways through Southern Utah for a few hours.  At times I was a little skeptical on where my great plans was taking us, especially as we were passing patchy snow and hadn't seen any civilization for quite a long time.  We ended up in Torrey, Utah.  Why Torrey?  Why not?  Honestly, because it is very near to Capitol Reef National Park.  More pictures of that adventure later.  The evening of my birthday, we went out to eat at a local burger joint.  Then upon my request, we went swimming at the indoor swimming pool at our hotel, which was so fun.  We ended the evening by sharing a piece of birthday cake.  What a fantastic birthday.

Enjoying my birthday dinner.
We packed a piece of carrot cake for the road trip.  It was a bit melted,
but still good.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If that's how 30 starts out, I can only imagine it's going to get EVEN MORE AWESOME!!!

    1. Thanks Camille! Yes, it does make 30 look promising.

  2. You are one of MY favorite people to talk to! Those three hours were the best I've had in a long time!

    1. Likewise. We need to plan a get together for next month!

  3. I think its so cool that both our families do the Heavy Heavy Hangover thing! I'm wondering did it come from your mom's or your dad's side of the family? Once I tried to find out where this tradition originated (My guess is England), but so for I haven't had any luck.

    1. I tried looking it up as well and it looks like it is from England to me.


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