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A Nostalgic Post

First, Talena shared this article with me not too long ago, "30 things turning 30 this year".  How fitting for this week.  There are some great things that were invented when I was born.  My favorites from the list:
1- The D.A.R.E program. I totally rocked one of those shirts in 6th grade.  Don't do drugs, friends!
2 - The Internet (for better or worse) 
3 - Cabbage Patch Kids!  I had one with red hair when I was kid. Her name was Carrie, in case you were wondering.
4 - Reading Rainbow. "Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high..." (Now you are singing the rest of the song in your head, aren't you.) 
5 - The A-Team. I used to watch this show on Saturday mornings with my older brothers.  This is what happens when you have 3 older brothers.
6 - J. Crew. If only I could afford more of their clothing, but I can dream.
7 - Care Bears.  Loved those too as a kid.

Least favorites from the list:
1 - The McNugget.  We all know that isn't real chicken meat in that value meal.
2 - Hooters. (Also not real...)  I don't endorse demeaning companies.

Second, with my 20's winding down, I've had two friends this morning ask me how I will commemorate this ending before I have my birthday cake.  How well my close friends know me, since ummm, I commemorate everything.  Live in the moment, people.  Anyway, while chatting with Brittany online today, I decided to share with her where I was at/what I was doing with each birthday in my 20's.  She was nice enough to act interested. Granted, she has known me for the majority of my 20's and was there for a few of those birthdays.  So here's a walk down memory lane, if you feel like acting interested as well.

Age 20 - I was living in Rexburg, ID at BYU-Idaho finishing up my associates degree.  It was around finals time, meaning it was stressful. I remember my roommates took me out to a Mexican restaurant where they had me wear a sombrero.  I'm pretty sure I felt "old" turning 20, haha, hilarious.

Age 21 - I was living in Provo, UT going to BYU.  My cousins and other awesome girls were my roommates.  We were known as the crazy girls in the apartment complex.  I would say we were more random then crazy.  At this point I had my mission call to the England Leeds Mission.  I remember getting a lot of missionary stuff for my birthday from the family.

Age 22 - I was living in Huddersfield, England.  I was a sister missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, such good times.  My birthday was on a Sunday and I remember some of the people we were teaching found out my birthday was coming up.  I told them the best birthday present they could give me was to come to church.  We had almost a dozen investigators at church that week!  (That is a lot for England.)  Between the sweet members in our ward and people we were teaching I was given 5 or 6 cakes!  Plus, my cute companion and the other two sisters in our flat put together a scavenger hunt for me with little gifts.

Age 23 - I was living in Provo, UT back at BYU.  I had a joint birthday party with my roommate Sadie.  We had DDR at our party, so you know it was cool, haha.  I once again, remember feeling old.  (Silly Jannifer.)  I did have a boy give my flowers for my birthday though, so I felt accomplished.  I'm sure that's why boys give girls flowers, so they can feel accomplished, haha.  Nothing came of it though, thank heavens.  Better things were up ahead for me.

Age 24 - Still living in Provo, UT and still at BYU, but I was getting ready for graduation in a few weeks.  My parents had their mission call and would be leaving in a couple of months.  I was worried about finding a full-time job and facing the real world.  It was kind of a stressful time. Also stressful was the surprise party my roommates threw me.  They invited different people from different groups of friends who didn't know each other. I remember a couple of guys I had been semi-dating/had crushes on at different times that school year were all in the same cramped living room.  Stress.

Age 25 - Still living in Provo, UT and working full time at the LDS Motion Picture Studio.  (Yay, I had found a full time job!)  What I remember most from this birthday was that I had a party and I was quite pleased by the number of attractive young men showed up.  (Ha, the joys of single life.  I have to point out that a very small percentage of those guys ever asked me out. Silly Jannifer) I treated myself to a Jimmy Eat World concert as a gift to myself.

Age 26 - STILL living in Provo, UT and still working full time at the LDS Motion Picture Studio.  I was in the RS presidency in my ward and was busy with that. My roommates were awesome and made my whole day special with balloons, gifts and dinner.  I treated myself to trip to Washington DC as a birthday gift to visit my bffs living there.

Age 27 - Living in SLC area and working full time at the Conference Center.  I was dating Danny and toying with the idea of marriage.  I had a fun day with roommates and friends by going out to breakfast and walking around Red Butte Gardens at the U.  Danny took me on a walk around Memory Grove (where we were destined to get engaged at a few months later). Then we went out to dinner and last to Best Buy. Danny told me I could buy anything I wanted for our entertainment that night.  I thought about getting a flat screen tv, but instead I got a Jack Johnson concert on DVD.

Age 28 - Living in the SLC area and working full time with the team that creates Mormon Messages. At this point I was married to Danny, yeah!  We went out to dinner and then went bowling with my sister Noelle and her husband Jared.

Age 29 - Still living in the SLC area and working full time with the Mormon Messages team.  Danny got me a hammock.  I took the day off and had a fun relaxing day by hanging out with loved ones, getting a massage and reading in my hammock.  It was much better weather last year than this year.

Wasn't that a fun stroll down memory lane?  That's a rhetorical question.  It was for me. Ok, I think that this covers my remembering/commemorating my life in the 20's.  Good times.


  1. Wow! It's been a busy decade. I enjoyed that little stroll. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next decade.

    1. Thanks. I'm excited to see what this decade has in store as well.


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