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October on Instagram

I've had my little semi-intelligent phone for work for awhile now, but Danny was the one who talked me into joining Instagram.  I thought, do I really need to be part of another social network?  But what I can I say, sharing pictures with cool filters is pretty fun.  Here are some of my pictures documenting this past month of October.

October 1:  In the midst of sister craft night with Noelle.
October 1:  Noelle made us an apple pie!  Danny was in heaven.
October 7:  Playing tea party with my niece Lady L.
October 8:  Day with Talena up in Park City.  We played the pianos
on the sidewalk.
October 8:  From Talena and my walk around Park City Canyons Resort.
October 10:  My half birthday present from Danny :)
October 12:  Date night with Danny to the Dollar theater.  The
popcorn cost more than my ticket.  We saw "The Amazing
Spiderman".   It was pretty good for a comic book movie.
October 15:  I helped with a photo shoot out near Antelope Island.  While
the smell out there is less than enjoyable, the scenery is gorgeous.
October 20:  More pictures of Zion!  And you thought you had enough.
October 20:  The Virgin River in the Narrows.
October 20:  When you find the tree of life, you share it on all social
networks!  By the way, it's in the Narrows.
October 20:  The welcoming cliffs of Zion NP
October 22:  I posted a picture of the Draper Temple to wish Danny
a happy anniversary.  We actually went there on October 19.   
October 23:  Showing off the cool bouquet Danny got me for our
October 25:  First snow of the season.  That old man winter is such a
jokester.  Good thing it warmed up for Halloween.
October 29:  We went to a Halloween Festival with Danny's sister Mary
and her kids.  I dressed up as a witch, because it is an easy costume.
The socks really were the best part.
October 29:  My work of art from the Halloween Festival.
October 30:  Danny and I went on a walk in Memory Grove after work.
This is my favorite bench of all there, because it is the spot where
Danny and I got engaged.  Good memories, Memory Grove.
October 30:  Pretty Fall leaves at Memory Grove.
October 30:  Another Autumn scene from Memory Grove.
October 31:  Celebrating Halloween the correct way, by eating sugar.
This was from my work Halloween social.


  1. My favorite is the orange leaves at Memory Grove. That cupcake looks really sugary. Did your body go into shock after eating that since you've been on a sugar fast for several months?

  2. Mama Wood - I've allowed myself to eat sugar on holidays and vacations. The cupcake was pretty sugary. Honestly, I felt a little sick after eating it.

  3. Instragram is fun. I wish all of my family was on it and then I could get off of facebook. It is so much better just to see nice pictures then read political posts, etc.

  4. Erin - I completely agree!!! Danny and I go on facebook fasts on occasion just to get away from everyone's complaints. Looking at pretty pictures on Instagram is way better.


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