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Castles, Callings and Thoughts

I have a lot on my mind right now.  I have for the past few days.  I'm not sure how to verbalize my thoughts, to be honest.  Just last week in my last post I was praising the ways of introversion.  My friend Talena and I often joke about our dream of being hermits and living in Bamburgh Castle (we stayed there on our trip to England), taking walks on the beach, wandering among the rolling green hills and occasionally having interaction with society.  (Don't worry, Danny is invited to be part of this dream.  I think he would be happy as long as he could bring his guitar.)  This dream sounds even more appealing since this past week I received a calling in my church congregation that is already stretching me in many ways.  Being outgoing is needed, teaching and speaking is required and it seems to be a whole lot of busy.  Don't get me wrong, I am excited.  I felt a little giddy when I was asked to fulfill this new role, since I knew I would be serving with a really good friend and a lot of fun times are sure to be in store.  However, after training on Sunday, the many feelings of inadequacy have set in.  Church callings are meant to humble us, right?  Good thing I have wise parents and a kind husband who have been a great support these past few days.

I'm in the midst of trying to process a large amount information, which was handed to me in a blue three ringed binder and a thick handbook. I'm looking forward to new found goals that have sparked motivation in me and will strengthen my spirituality. I'm trying to reconcile the need to teach the ideal, but understanding realism will strike and the ideal may not happen.  How do you prepare young minds for that?  I've had to face that in my own life and I wish I was given a little direction in those times.

I realize I'm being vague, like I said, I'm still processing.

Bamburgh Castle


  1. If I had seen this blog post first, I definitely would have pressed you to find out what the calling is! Callings are great for challenging us to get outside of our comfort zone.

  2. Oh Jannifer, you will be wonderful for this calling! The girls will love you. You have so many talents to share with them. Don't forget that the Spirit will guide you too.

  3. I second what Erin and Gramma said. Jannifer, you are an amazing person with so much to share. Your life and the example you set will lift so many girls. You are going to be great! You will stretch and learn and grow. It's going to be awesome experience!


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