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A Year in Review: 2011

Since it is half way through the last day of 2011 I’m feeling very retrospective, which I think is quite common for today.  I’ve been reading other friends’ blogs about the best and worst of this past year.  It has caused me to ponder what 2011 has handed me.  I think the best way to describe 2011 is “The Best of Times and The Worst of Times”.  (Good ol’ Charles Dickens had such a nice way of saying things.)  The best meaning this year was my first year of marriage.  I like being married.  Danny and I have had adventures and fun together and have grown closer to each other and for that I am grateful.  The worst meaning this year has brought some knee jerking experiences of having to face weaknesses in the eye.  I think the Lord looked down and decided something along the lines that this year will be a year of growth for Jannifer.  (Luckily he hasn’t left me alone in these times of growth.)  With growth comes growing pains and challenges, which honestly I haven’t mentioned at all on this blog. I didn't feel those were things that needed to be shared on a public forum like a blog.  The best way I can describe facing such challenges is like being in the bull ring, facing one raging bull who should have been tackled long ago, but alas it wasn’t.  So now one must use all their wits, strength and prayers to come out on top. Yes, that is 2011 for me.  With that in mind, I have no sorrow with the passing of 2011.  It has brought some wonderful memories and some aching hardships.  I will take what I’ve learned from both and carry on.  I have mixed feelings for 2012.  I have hope and fear swirling inside of me for what 2012 will bring.  The only way to see what lies behind the closed door of 2012 is to open it.  But before we open that door, I wanted to share my fond memories of 2011.

-Visiting Snow Canyon in St. George-
-My birthday! I turned 28 this year.  It is a nice round number-
-Visiting Nathan, Erin and their kids in Kansas-
-This isn’t a fond memory, but more a notable event of the passing of my dear grandpa.  However, I do have fond memories of his life.  I’m so grateful for the lunches we had together during the last year of his life.  It is when we became close friends.-
-I have a special place in my heart for random festivals; I attended a few this year. (Tulip Festival, Art Festival, Chalk Art Festival)-
-Moving to a bigger apartment with a backyard-
-A new Church calling as Primary Teachers, which I find highly entertaining-
-Yellowstone!  Oh, how I love Yellowstone-
-A few concerts were enjoyed: Death Cab for Cutie, Imagine Dragons and concerts of the very talented Danny (here and here)-
-Swimming in a crater and adventures in Midway for our 1 year anniversary-
-11-11-11 will always bring a smile to my face-
-Thanksgiving was probably my favorite holiday this year.  I had such a blast with the fam in St. George-
-Two new nephews in the family-
Plus, there were numeral crafts that were made, hikes completed, books read, family get-together’s enjoyed and holidays celebrated that all brought joy in 2011.

Now for resolutions…  These were my resolutions for 2011
Resolution #1:  Learn a new skill.  I feel I completed this.  Talena and I took a cake decorating class at the beginning of the year.  Danny and I learned the art of fixing up an old piece of furniture we found at DI (my craft desk).  I tried out a lot of new recipes I found online.  I feel I’ve advanced in my skills at work and I’m feeling more comfortable of what is expected of me at there.  I’ve also learned a few chords on the ukulele as well.
Resolution #2:  Go somewhere I’ve never been before.  Kansas fulfills this goal.
Resolution #3:  Make my personal scripture study just that, study.  Hmm, I went back and forth on this goal.  I’d say some weeks I completed this goal, but overall I didn’t make this goal a habit as I had hoped.
Resolution #4:   Trying a little running once the weather warms up. Maybe even run a 5k.  Haha, nope this didn’t happen.  I think I’ve learned a lesson about making goals.  Don’t make a goal to do something you absolutely hate.  I am not a runner at this point in my life.  I think it is important to stay active, but I’m going to focus on other ways of doing that.

Lastly, here are my resolutions for 2012  (Don’t you think the number 2012 is more visually pleasing than 2011.)
Resolution #1:  I would like to read at least a dozen books this year, so a book a month. I enjoy reading, so I would like to put reading as more of a priority this year.  
Resolution #2:  Use our outdoor equipment more, meaning more hiking, snowshoeing and camping.
Resolution #3:  Go somewhere I've never been before.  I really liked this goal from last year, so I'm going to  continue with it this year.  
Resolution #4:   Make my personal scripture study into a real study session. I’m going to keep this goal because I want to keep working on it.
Resolution #5:  I would like do yoga weekly. While I don’t like running, I do like yoga, so I want to incorporate that more in my life.
Resolution #6:  Learn a new skill.  Maybe I'm creating too many resolutions, but I also liked this goal from last year, so I will keep it.


  1. good resolutions! we like yoga too! Dan sometimes even joins me :). we have a great yoga dvd you should get on amazon or something. it's PM yoga and i love it! you do it right before bed and it's a nice way to just relax after a long day.

  2. You probably did better at keeping your resolutions than most people did. I don't even remember if I made any!

  3. So coming to enjoy Florida and see Becky's family should be one of your New Year's Resolutions!! :)


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