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The Christmas Box

Remember how forever ago I said I would post a tutorial on how to fold these cute boxes.  Sigh, life is busy.  But I am here to fulfill my promise, even if it is a bit belated.  We had a Super Saturday at church with classes we could take.  My awesome friend, Becky, taught us how to create these, so I give her all the credit.
What you need, paper, scissors, ruler
pencil and some type of adhesive.

1.On the blank side of your paper
draw an X from each corner, using
a ruler.

2. Fold the bottom corner to the 

3. Fold the bottom corner one more 
time up to the center.

4. Now you are going to do the exact 
two folds from steps 2 and 3 to the
 opposing top corner, so your
 paper will look like this.
5.  Unfold your paper and make
the same folds to left and right corners
that haven't been folded yet.  So once
again, fold the point to the middle.

6.  Do a second fold to the center
and then do the exact same folds
from steps 2 and 3 to the 

opposing corner.
7.  Your paper is once again going
to look like this.  Make sure you make
a firm crease with each fold.

8. Now Unfold your paper again.  
All the folds you have made
so far has created a lined graph
on your paper.  Take your scissors
and cut along the first crease right of
the pencil line. Cut two squares down.
Don't cut further than that!
9.  Cut 2 squares down along the
crease just left of the pencil line.
Once again, don't cut further
than the 2nd square.

10.  You are going to make the exact
same cuts to the opposing corner

from steps 7 and 8. Leave the 
other two corners uncut. Your 
paper should look like this
when you are done cutting.
11.  On one of the uncut corners, you
will once again take the corner and
fold it up to the center of the paper.

12.  Take the right flap and fold it
13.  Now fold the left flap inward so
it is on top of your right flap.

14.  Fold the rectangle you've now
created into the center.

15.  Follow the steps 11-14 for the
opposing top corner.  Once both
corners are folded, your paper
should look like this.

16.  Now pop up both sides from the
17.  Take your flaps from both the
top and bottom and unfold them
so they are at a 90 degree angle.

18.  Take one of the side corners
that is just hanging out and fold it
over the wall you created with the
flaps to the center.  Use your
adhesive on the underside of
the point to make it stay.
19.  Follow step 18 for the last corner
and look what you have...

For the three boxes to sit on top of each other, I used paper that was a 1.5'' difference from each other.  I used the glue dots to get them to stay and then just tied a little ribbon around the whole thing.


  1. Very nice tutorial! I love how you took so many pictures to explain exactly what you were doing in each step! - Becky Shuler

  2. Your boxes are very nice. Does Danny remember making these with his family? I learned how to make little boxes out of old Christmas cards in Relief Society years ago.


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