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Weekend Update (because that is the time we tend to do things of interest)

Friday - Park City

Back in the warm month of August, I saw a groupon deal for one of the hotels in Park City for the end of September.  I envisioned crisp, autumn weather and a stroll among the changing leaves, so I bought it.  My autumn expectations were not met, which wasn't a horrible thing, it just took time for me to get over what I had in mind.  When we arrived in Park City on Friday evening, it was frigid.  We had a storm come through last week, so the hills weren't golden, but instead dusted in white.  The trees were either dead because of the intense cold or still green and hadn't changed color yet.

After arrival, Danny and I went out to dinner at Fuego Pizzaria, which was pretty good, but we had to wait awhile for our food.  We then headed over to Park City's Main Street for the art gallery stroll.  That was a lot of fun, as seen below.  We even stopped by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for some treats.

In the gallery full of Russian art.
Life size wooden and iron horse.
Pretty art.
Amazing photography.
In the Hope Gallery. 
Getting my picture by Franz the bear.  It is tradition.
After the stroll, we got the movie "Mud" from redbox.  We've already seen it, but I wanted to watch it again, because the audio echoed really bad when we saw it in the theater.  With better audio, I then realized how much more swearing there was in that movie.  Interesting story, though.

The next morning, we went out for a delicious breakfast at Bridge Cafe.  I got pancakes that really did taste like cake.  I'm not complaining.  We thought about taking one of ski lifts to the top of the hill and hiking around, but with it being so cold and the leaves not really portraying any vibrant colors, we decided to just go home.  So my hopes for a fall-y hike weren't fulfilled, but hopefully they will be later this season.

Saturday - A Death and a Rebirth 

While at home, Danny watched the LSU vs Georgia game.  I turned on my laptop, which worked for 30 seconds and then the screen went black.  The machine still sounded like it was running, so after consulting with my brother Mark, it seems it is just the monitor, meaning hopefully I haven't lost all my documents.  However, I'm void of a personal computer right now, so sad.  Which is why the only pictures I have from our Park City adventure at the time are just from Danny's phone.  That's why he isn't in any of them.  Hopefully I'll be able do download my photos from my camera soon.

Saturday evening I went to a baptism of a young woman in our stake.  I got to know this girl up at girl's camp and just think the world of her.  She's funny, spiritual and friends to everyone.  I was really excited to go and support her with her decision of being baptized.  She radiated happiness the whole evening.  (I did miss the Relief Society broadcast because of the baptism.  I'm still planning on watching it in the near future.)

Sunday - Meetings, Naps and Family

I don't feel like I need to expound that much from the title.  I went to church and visited a different ward from my own to help train a new young women presidency.  After more meetings, I came home, took a nap.  Then after dinner, Danny and I video chatted with Danny's parents and I called and talked to my own parents.


  1. Looks like you made the most of your weekend in Park City even if it was disappointing weather wise. I absolutely love that picture of the stars.


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