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December on Instagram

Dec. 1 - We had a baby shower for both of my sisters who were/are expecting.  
Noelle made this adorable baby carriage out of diapers for Michele.   
Such creative family members I have.
Dec. 1:  Another example of my creative family members, Katie made
these cute onesie cookies for the baby shower.  PS Noelle was expecting
a boy and Michele is expecting a girl.
Dec. 1 : Oh Holy Night...We also went to Temple Square that evening
to enjoy the Christmas lights with some friends.
Dec. 1:  This was a very busy day for us. Danny and I also got a
Christmas tree after visiting Temple Square.  I think these ornaments
my Mother-in-law made for us are so cute.
Dec. 3:  Our friend Laura got us tickets to the Utah Chamber Artists
Christmas Concert, since she sings in the choir.  This was my best
attempt at getting a picture of her during the concert.
Dec. 3:  My and Danny's attempt of being classy, by attending
the fancy Christmas Concert.
Dec. 10:  We babysat our nephews one evening so my brother and his
wife could attend a Christmas party.  I just have to say little Ry-guy is
a genius.  This puzzle was for kids ages 4+, he's only 2 and put it
together all by himself.  I told him how impressed I was.  His response:
"See Jannifer, I told you I'm really smart with this puzzle." 
Dec. 10:  Being the awesome babysitters that we are, of course the
nerf and dart guns came out.
Dec. 15: At the family Christmas party, I was a proud Bingo winner of
these Operation band-aids.  
Dec. 20 - The treat table at work was out of control.  I'm pretty sure I
was on a sugar high for the last few days of work before
Christmas vacation.
Dec. 21 - This particular evening I was really cranky, so we
decided to go on a date, haha.  After we went out to dinner and
I ate something, I felt much better. Amazing what raising your blood
sugar levels can do.  Anyway, for our date activity we checked
out the bookstore around the corner.  I Love Bookstores!
They just make me so happy.
Dec. 21 - I found a castle book while hanging out at the bookstore. I had
 to find a picture of Bamburgh Castle, because I want to live there someday.  
Dec. 21:  All great dates end with hot chocolate, well dates in the winter
time at least.
Dec. 24:  The husband enjoying Christmas Eve brunch.
Dec. 24:  It appears they left the 'pan' out of my pancake and just brought
me a blueberry cake.  Merry Christmas to me!
Dec. 25:  One of my favorite Christmas presents, the world!
Thanks Danny!
Dec. 26:  There was a really gorgeous sunset welcoming us
when our airplane landed in Louisiana.
Dec. 27:  We went out for some Southern cookin' and I was a bit tickled
by the vegetable options, since they were so different than what
I'm used to.
Dec. 28:  Upon arriving in Florida, I learned that you can get a
free cup of orange juice at the Florida Visitor's Center.  I love
that Southern hospitality.
Dec. 30:  While in Florida, we stayed at Danny's sister's house.  My little
niece set her dolls up to be me and Danny in her doll house.
So adorable.
Dec. 31 - Also While in Florida, we went on a boat tour at Walluka Springs
 and I got to see multiple gators in their natural habitat!
Dec. 31:  As the sun set on the last day of 2012, I was wading
in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  It was a good way to end
the year.


  1. Bamburg!
    I mean, I love all the photos and it looks like you had an exciting time, but...

    1. Yes, I thought you would like that picture. :)

  2. Wow! What a great month! Dad and I used to love dates to the bookstore too. (Too bad we don't have a bookstore in this town). It was cheaper than a movie and much funner.

    1. Agreed! It's one of my favorite places to visit.


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