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A Few of My Favorite Things...

My good friend Talena (knowing my affinity for online quizzes) sent me this picture quiz that defines your style, home style that is.  I was enlightened to know that my home style is:  Informal Seaside.  What this means, well I'm exactly sure, but luckily the website also game a description for a little further insight...
A quiet life… more simple, with your priorites in place. A cottage kitchen - but nicer than that. A fantasy, the bedroom combines an invigorating mix of styles. Music provides the backbeat to everything you do. Modern subtleties extend to your table. Watch the grass grow in the hot summer sun. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Bookcases, reading nooks and private studies provide a learned atmosphere at home. 
Hmmm, interesting.  That does sounds nice, especially if it was by a seaside.  It is entertaining to daydream about; however, for now I will embrace the idea of my own little apartment.  My lovely friend Krista, recently did a series of posts on her blog entitled "love where you live".  While it is fun to have a wishlist of decor and whatnot (and trust me I do have a wishlist), I also like the notion of being grateful as well.  So (thanks to Krista as my example) here is my own little version of "love where you live" as I share some of my favorite things about our home.

If I had to choose between eating and sleeping, I would choose
sleep. It's true, I'm a napper.  Our bed is definitely one of my favorite
things about our home.  I love our fluffy duvet and the calming green
tones. It is a place where I feel peaceful and safe.
I'm a huge fan of our shower curtain and matching towels.
I like to decorate with more natural, earthy tones: browns, blues
and greens. I think it is because I'm a nature girl at heart and love
 the outdoors, so that seeps over into the decor of our home.
I told Danny I liked to feel like I'm eating in a French cafe
when it comes to my dining area.  (Hence the painting of a French
cafe over our table.)  Now our kitchen doesn't exactly match the
 French cafe environment, but I do love our high table and chairs.
I think it adds a chic feel to the place.
Also in our kitchen I have this huge clock that is a bit posh.
Right below it is a hook for oven mitts that is a ceramic rooster head.  It
is kind of a mix of country and classy, but I like it.  Best of both worlds. 
In our living room we have both of our guitars out in the open.
(Danny's guitar is much nicer and gets more playing time.
Good thing guitars don't have feelings or mine would be
jealous.) I really like the influence of music in our home.
We have this huge coffee table, an addition from Danny.  It has
a bit of a retro feel to it, which I like.  This table is so handy as
well.  It is perfect for game nights when we have friends over.
It is great for Friday order-a-pizza-and-rent-a-movie night to
set up our meal, kick back and relax.  It also works well
when you need a big area for projects, 
Most of all, I really like living with this guy.  Especially
when he strums some tunes for me on that guitar of his.
(That and when he helps out with the laundry and
dishes, also a major plus!)


  1. I didn't realize you played the guitar. I'm glad Danny helps with laundry and dishes; he's also really good at chopping vegetables.

  2. What a fun post and I like the last picture most of all of my little bro, handsome Danny! :) Sounds to me like you need to come move near us in sunny, beachy Florida!!


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