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June on Instragram

June 1st:  Danny becoming one with nature.  We went on a drive up
Big Cottonwood Canyon.  It was lovely.
June 1st - As I said, lovely.
June 1st - Also on this day, I attended my niece's ballet recital.
It was beyond adorable.
June 5th - Elaine Bradley from the Neon Trees performed at a work
gathering of mine.  It was very cool.
June 7th - A burning bush on Parley's trail.  
June 7th - Somehow, along our walk we crossed the border.

June 7th - Little wildflowers basking in the setting sunlight along Parley's trail.  
Danny and I have wanted to walk along Parley's trail in Sugar House for
months now, so I suppose this outing could be considered a success. However,
while it had pretty views, it was also a dog trail, making it rather
disgusting.  Many dogs felt the need to relieve themselves, if you know
what I mean ,and many dog owners felt the need to turn a blind
eye and let it be.  Gross.
June 15th - For our family reunion, the kids were suppose to dress up
as their favorite super heroes.  Baby C came as a mini Clark Kent.
So much cuteness, I can barely handle it.
June 15th - We went to the Chalk Art Festival.  I found this fishing
chalk art piece rather impressive and it made me think of my dad.
June 22nd - Taking a moment to document the super moon.
June 24th - It's been a incredibly hot summer. Unfortunately, one evening
our power went out for about 5 hours, meaning no AC.  We used
our best survival skills and cooled off with some gelato, and
 went to see a movie.
June 29th - Date Afternoon!  Danny and I went out to eat
Chinese food at Cindy Lee's Cafe for lunch.  This happy little
Buddha greeted us.  We then went to the temple.  Quite a
nice afternoon.


  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like a great month.


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