You know the time when you turn the corner too sharp and gouge one of your toes on the retro 70's border that lines your home and apparently you have really good blood circulation in your feet, because your toe starts bleeding profusely. In an effort to stop the bleeding, you limp to the kitchen to grab a paper towel to clean up your poor toe only to track blood all over the carpet. (But then, luckily the husband comes and helps clean up the blood trail, your sad, little toe and gets you a band-aid.) So once you have recovered from your messy injury, your really nice husband makes you a smoothie to make you feel better, only for you to drip it down the front of you on one of your favorite shirts. Yeah, it's been one of those nights. Sigh. In other news, last week I went to the musical "Little Women" with Talena. I wrote a review for the Utah Theater Bloggers Association, which you can read here . It's been awhile since I've done any reviewin...
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like a great month.