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What's on my mind today

Item of Business #1 - A funny story.  I was sitting in primary with our class waiting for the lesson to start when the little boy in the class that sits in front of us turned around and had the following conversation with me...
Little Boy:  "Did you know I know how to make my own light saber?"
Me:  "I didn't know that."
Little Boy:  "Yes, all I need is a laser, some crystals because that is what decides the color of your light saber, some plasma, and metal for the handle."
Me:  "How did you figure this out?"
Little Boy:  "I thought about it for a long time...So do you know where I can get some plasma?"
Me:  "Hmmm, I'm not sure, do you mean plasma as in plasma TVs?"
Little Boy:  "Yeah, that's what I need."
Me:  "You should ask your mom."  (My go to answer in primary.)
Little Boy:  "Do you think things will turn to plasma with the solar eclipse today?"
Me:  (Biting my lip so I didn't laugh) "I don't think it will."
Little Boy:  "Oh man, I was really hoping for that."
At that point primary started so our conversation ended there.  Kids crack me up.

Item of Business #2 - Speaking of the solar eclipse, raise your hand if you saw it.  Now put your hand down and go see an optometrist because you burned your eyeballs.  Danny and I watched the eclipse online because we didn't have cool glasses.  The website played a cool song when it was a full eclipse, so that was fun.  Then I went back to making dinner.

Item of Business #3 - Danny and I have been on a facebook fast this past week.  We completed our fast this Sunday.  A whole week without facebook.  It was liberating but also a little annoying.  I hate to admit that it was harder than I expected, but very doable.  This whole week I've been pondering how to have more balance in my life.  I had a long, in depth gchat conversation with my faraway best bud Melina about how to be more balanced.  She is wise and empathetic.  I pondered how to be more balanced as I had some hammock time this afternoon.  This weekend was the first downtime I've had in weeks.  I feel like my life has lapped me and I'm always trying to play catch up.  (I'm not complaining just explaining.)  The facebook fast was the beginning of my weeding out the unnecessary, although I'm not giving up fb completely.  I pondered and prayed what needs to be tossed to the wayside of my life. What do I need to give up to give me more time so I feel like my brain is focused and not scattered?  I'm still working on the answers, but at least I felt at peace by the time I needed to come back inside to work more on my awaiting projects.  (Any advice on this topic is welcomed.)


  1. Breaking away from facebook has been very rewarding - I'm not so caught up with the petty details anymore. Another suggestion, as crazy as it sounds, is to give up tv. I am so much more productive and I feel like a certain clarity of mind comes with not feeling obligated to watch tv and be caught up with every series that I liked. There's nothing wrong with a little tv now and then but it's nice not to be tied down to any shows and feel like I HAVE to watch them. I don't know your viewing habits but it may help. Once you get used to it, it's really not bad at all. But I may have to reassess this idea when the Olympics come around! :)

  2. Mary encouraged me to do a facebook fast and I started it. However, Mother's Day feel during the week of my fast so I cheated. I was so productive on the days I didn't look at facebook at all! I realized that I can go without it and most of the stuff on there doesn't really matter. Moderation is the key. I've given up Pinterest for now. I was staying up late pinning all these lovely things that I don't have time to do and it seemed silly to me to lose sleep over it. I love Pinterest, but it is just so addicting! I don't watch tv. I do watch basketball games when that is in season, (I enjoy following Duke) but I've given up the series that I used to watch because it was becoming so offensive. (The Office). I need to improve on less facebook. It is a good way to keep in touch with old and new friends, but feeling the need to check it all the time is useless. I'm working on this. Good luck on finding balance and good for you for doing a facebook fast.

  3. I have also done facebook fasts and it was surprisingly tough! Good for you Jannifer.

  4. In the RS training Sister Beck gave some excellent advice for setting priorities. In our life we have essential things, necessary things and nice to do things. Essential things are what we need to do to work out our salvation (and the salvation of those we love) and include personal prayer and scripture study, temple work, keeping our covenants, serving in our callings, nurturing our family relationships. Necessary things include making dinner, doing the laundry, going to work, changing kids diapers. We should always make sure we have taken care of the essential and necessary things before we squander time on the nice to do things. Not that we should never relax and sharpen our axes, but it should be purposeful. What everyone needs is to develop an ability for receiving personal revelation. Then, with that guidance, you can make better choices.

  5. Haha Loved the primary story! Hilarious! I miss those random convo's! :) That would've been terribly disappointing to be told the solar eclipse wouldn't turn things to plasma! :) ha! clever...I'll give him that! :)


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