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Summer Reflection

I'm in a bit of a reflective mood right now.  This time of year seems to bring on the reflection and a little sadness.  The evenings and mornings are getting cooler, night is coming earlier, and summer is just about to fade away.  I'm a self declared summer girl. It is easily my favorite season.  I love the sunshine (and sunblock), hiking, BBQ's, camping, road trips, swimming and all things summer fun.  So each year as summer comes to a close, I feel a bit of sorrow for its passing.

Have you ever noticed patterns in your life?  There is one particular pattern I've noticed in my life that I feel like sharing.  For some reason even though summer is my favorite season, it seems the hardest times of my life come during the summer.  Ages 14, 18 and 21 come to mind as real summer doozies, but those are each their own blog posts for another time. Most funerals for loved ones have been during the summer (and a few in the spring).  Most jarring life changing experiences that test my faith have been during the summer.  At the beginning of this particular summer, I said goodbye to my grandpa.  I am happy to know he is out of pain and with my grandma again, but I still miss him.  I became very close to my grandpa during the last few years of his life. I miss his stories and his big smile when I walked in the door.  I miss how he would always say, "Jannifer, you dear girl" when I went to visit him and "Carry on" as I would get up to leave.  That and other experiences have caused this summer to be a season of "learning through trials".  I'm not complaining, just explaining, since I know each of us have those seasons.

I used to feel cheated when unplanned bumps in the road, detours or road blocks came knocking on my door during the summer.  It seemed unfair to have such experiences interrupt my season o'fun.   I even wrote a blog post about the injustice of facing hardships during my favorite time of year, just a few years ago.  However, as I was reflecting on this summer and the learning experiences that came my way, I think I gained a new perspective.  I, by no means, know the mind of the Lord.  However, I can imagine when it was time for another character building or humbling experience to be sent my way.  Perhaps, He held off until the summer months to hand me my next trial, knowing the sunshine would heal my heart a little deeper and the nature on a hiking or camping trip would soothe my soul a bit quicker.  For that I am most grateful.


  1. Jan! This is funny because my favorite season is Fall! I have been so excited for it to cool down a little and I'm already thinking of my Halloween decorations :). You should move down here, seriously, you can do all of those summer activities most of the year! Plus it's almost always sunny. I'm glad you took on a new perspective for your trials. The whole time I was reading it I was thinking exactly what you wrote in your last paragraph! :)

  2. Loving summer means you don't live in Louisiana! It's nice to see how you find the sunshine in a sorrow. You have a great positive attitude.

  3. Come to Florida, the SUNSHINE STATE, where you can do summertime activities year round!! I also love fall and it is my favorite time of the year. I loved reading your post and was touched by the sweet things you shared about your Grandpa. I'm glad I got to meet him last October when you and Danny got married. He is was a sweetheart.


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