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Funnies #3

This past weekend we had a birthday party for my wonderful sister-in-law. She and my brother have 4 little boys, so going to their house is always full of excitement. My nephew, Lil’R (who is 3) always makes me laugh. Even though it was JanaRae’s birthday, he came running up to me with what I thought was a box of chocolates in his hands yelling, “Happy Birthday Day!!!” I think in his young mind, one person’s birthday makes it everyone’s birthday, which is an awesome way to look at things. I played along and enthusiastically open the box to find it full of plastic spoons. “Spoons! Why thank you!” I exclaimed. Lil’R in response said, “No, they’re fighting spoons!” He picked one up and did a few jousting type moves with the spoon in hand to show me how my fighting spoons worked. He then gave me some directions for when to use my fighting spoons. They are to be used to fight bad guys, of course. He also was sure to include the advice that “Bad guys don’t wear pink” so I won’t be confused on who the bad guys are.


  1. that sounds just like ryan! he is too cute. can't wait to see everyone in a couple days. i feel like i haven't seen my family in a very long time!

  2. Besides fighting with spoons, another fun game is "Spoons". If Danny doesn't know how to play it, ask Sarah.


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