I came across this quote on the social medias today and I have been thinking about it all day. I actually sent it to a couple of my friends who exemplify this type of friendship in my life. I could have sent it to more. This is the type of woman I aim to be. I, sadly, haven't always been a friend like in this quote. There are times when cattiness and gossip have leaked their way in, particularly in my younger years. But it is something I am more cognitive of as I have gotten older. I have been on the other side of gossip. I have overheard or had rumors make their way back to me of something hurtful a friend has said about me when I thought they were a safe person. It is painful and feels like emotional whiplash. I've learned lessons on both sides. The main lesson is how can I be a safe person for someone else and how do I find those safe friendships? Back in high school, I was lamenting to my mom one afternoon about my lack of dating. I could probably count the dates I was a...