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You Guys! I had this plan last week to write about last, last weekend, because it was just so jammed pack with fun.  Now as I sit down, two weekends have passed me by.  I'll just have to report on both.  (Side note: April is over, insert sad face emoticon here. Goodbye birth month, it has been fun.)

Last, Last Weekend


  • For date night, Danny and I went on a walk around the Capitol because all of the blossoms are in bloom.  It is like a mini cherry blossom festival, since our savings account doesn't allow trips to DC at this point in time.

  • We then went to an art show of our good friend and amazing artist David Habben.  I found his art inspiring, very cool.
  • Then we went out for Thai food to top things off, delish.
  • I went to the Tulip Festival with my mom.  She's a favorite of mine.  This is an annual event for me and my mom.  It is a great time to talk about life and glean from my mom's wisdom.  Plus, my mom and I have very similar senses of humor so you bet there is laughter.  Favorite quote from the day: "We are introverts, let's get away from these people here."  I'm not going to tell you which one of us said that.  Favorite moment: When it started sprinkling rain on us and we had the umbrella out and my mom and I skipped down the steps singing "I'm Singing in the Rain" with very small dance movements.  We don't like to draw attention to ourselves, so that's why we didn't have big dance movements.

  • I had to take a nap after the tulip festival, because I was all worn out with our wandering and chatting and photograph taking.
  • Lesson planning for church.
  • Marathon Meeting Day!  First I got to teach the youth at one of the ward conferences I visited.  I made the goal to get every youth to speak.  I succeeded, mainly because I told them I was going to share a quote and then we were going to go around and every single person was going to share with the group their thoughts on the topic. Kind of forced, but it worked. Then break for lunch.  Next, I went to a training meeting with one of our YW presidencies which somehow turned into us teaching the young women's lesson as well.  Then Youth Committee Meeting.  Break for dinner.  Then back to the church for a camp fireside, which I burned more calories than consumed by scooping ice cream for multitudes of root beer floats.  Que the exhaustion.
  • My mother-in-law was in town and spending time with Danny at home while I was in my meetings.  During my breaks I got to chat with her, which was nice.  Thanks for visiting Mama Wood.
Last Weekend
  • Got dinner from Chipotle (I love their guac) and watched a few episodes of the show "Touch" on Hulu.  That show has sucked me in, but freaks me out at the same time.
  • I had to work for a couple hours (blah) and then clean the house (also blahish) But then, Talena came over and we made the most amazing dinner together.  Lemon chicken, roasted potatoes and asparagus.  Plus, Talena brought homemade rolls.  However, the best part of the evening was getting to chat with Talena for a few hours.  Talena, you're the best!  
  • Danny got a new church calling and I got to listen to his setting apart blessing.  It made me all teary.  Love that husband of mine.
  • Danny and I were invited to tell the primary kids about our missions.  I was sure to teach the kids proper English terms like the rubbish bin and what real biscuits are.  Then I shared with them English biscuits, which was distracting but delicious.  Then in my sharing, I became all teary again.  What is happening to me?!  
  • Sunday naps, made Thai food for dinner, called my mom and dad and beat Danny at a game of his choice.  


  1. What gorgeous pictures and I am so glad you could enjoy all those blossoms and tulips and such with your hubby and your mummy. Utah was so lovely in April, but you can't believe how GREEN everything here is now. Wish you could see it!


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