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Writer's Block

I've been dealing with a mental blogging block for weeks now.  Even as we speak, I've been staring at my keyboard for a full 2 minutes trying to decide what else to say after this first sentence.  At the same time, I feel this pent up need to write something, anything.  A lot has been going on with my life, but I just don't know how to put it all into words, well coherent words, so I've been sticking with not saying much.

Two weeks ago I had a little bit of a burned out melt down (just ask Danny) about how life lately has been feeling like an eternal check list.  My melt downs usually consist of me dramatically flinging myself on the bed and complaining to Danny.  Work has been a marathon and my church calling seems to fill in the cracks of spare time.  I shouldn't complain, since I really have been enjoying my new responsibilities given to me at work.  It's just been a lot lately.  However, this Saturday I went to an activity to help out some young women who moved here to Salt Lake City from Africa where they were refugees.  They are bright and beautiful.  One came up and gave me a big hug, because days before when visiting her church congregation I showed her how to download a scripture app on her phone.  Moments like these make it all worth it.

Last week was difficult in that it was really physically painful.  I've been facing some medical stuff for months now.  It is one of those things I just stay silent on, because, as mentioned before, I don't know how to put it into words.  It's nothing life threatening.  Most of the time, I feel like I'm handling things quite well.  I hope it is acceptable to give myself a little pat on the back for that.  But last week was hard.

The highlights of last week were the holidays galore.  Oh yes, we celebrated.  Danny and I carved out time to eat pie on Pi Day and watch episodes of "Pushing Daisies" which is about a pie maker and his dead now live again girlfriend he can't touch.  It seemed fitting.  Last night, I made fluffy pancakes for dinner, which I dyed green for St. Patrick's Day.  Then Danny and I cut up fruit and formed it into a rainbow to complete our celebratory meal.

Our rainbow fruit platter for St. Patrick's Day.
Another highlight, yesterday was my grandma's birthday so I called her to wish her a happy birthday.  I actually don't know how old my grandma is.  She is such a classy lady and she makes it clear that it isn't appropriate to ask a classy lady how old she is.  In my mind, my grandma hasn't aged since I was a little kid.  She takes really good care of herself and is full of energy and wit.  We talked about birthdays and road trips, my grandpa who has past on and their love story. (My grandma and grandpa have the sweetest love story.) We talked about the warmer weather, gardening, photography and health.  My grandma told me a couple cool stories from her past.  I love my grandma so much.  She always finishes each conversation with me by getting rather serious and saying something like, "Now Jannifer, you know that you are an angel." It's quite sweet.  It also makes me feel like I need to live up to the view my grandmother has of me, not in a guilty way, but in an encouraged way.  I always tell my grandma how amazing she is, which she laughs off.  I hope to be even half as awesome as my grandma some day.


  1. You, my dear, are so strong and you are going to make it through all of this! The next stage of life is just around the corner, I know it. You inspire me. I love you and am praying for you!

    1. Oh Krista, you are so wonderful in every way. Thanks for your kind comment. I'm so grateful you are my friend. Love you!!

  2. I love your fruit rainbow! But what happened to the Paddy's Day Pie?

    1. The pie was great! I posted a pic of it on our family blog.


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