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Pi, Cake, Nephews and Stuff

First off, today is Pi Day!  (3.14, get it?)  According to my Lent schedule, I was allowed to eat sugar today because it is a holiday.  Isn't it just my luck that this past weekend I haven't been feeling top notch. Even though I still carried on and went to work today, this is the 3rd day of me not really wanting to eat anything.  Lame.  Even though the universe may be against me, I still enjoyed a little sweetness.  I'm kind of paying for it now as my stomach is not pleased, but the celebration must go on!  I will share pictures of our small Pi Day festivities in the near future.

So, I've been meaning to post pictures awhile ago.  My sister-in-law Katie put on the most fabulous surprise birthday party for my brother Tim last week.  I wish I got more pictures of the food and decorations, because she is so talented and the place looked awesome.  I have to show off the cake she made for him, it rocks, literally.

The guitar cake, so impressive!
Chocolate dipped Oreos, mmmm
At the party, I took multiple pictures with my nephews, because they are so darling and hilarious!  A great combination.

This wasn't a costume party, but General J and I found the firefighter
 hats in the toy room.  It makes sense that the "fire heads" wear
the fire red hats.  ("Fire head" is a loving term my sister Noelle uses.)
Super R trying to share his rock candy with me.  He's a giving
child like that.
Master M and Ry Guy playing with trucks together.
Dr. C and Super R helping Tim open his presents.
My little buddy Master M!  How could you ever say no to this face?
And now for a story about my cute nephew Master M.  One way I have gained the love of my nephews is by spinning them around until we are both dizzy.  It makes them happy.  I was spinning Super R around and Master M was watching quite intently.  After Super R's turn, I turned to Master M and asked if he wanted a turn to spin around. He nodded and I picked him up and we twirled around the room.  He giggled the whole time.  I put him down before we got too dizzy and sat down on the floor so I could take pictures of the gathering.  Master M came over to me and gave me the sweetest hug, I think to thank me.  He then moved my camera off of my lap to make room for himself.  Master M took my camera and would pretend to take pictures by saying "cheese!"  Then he would look at the screen and say, "Oh cute."  It was adorable!

Foot shot of Master M's feet :)


  1. You are great with your foot shots, and I like the picture of the two fire heads.

  2. You take the best pictures. That was a fun party. I hope you are feeling better. Loves!


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