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Showing posts from March, 2023

Hello Sunshine

  I've had the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron on my bookshelf for a couple of years now. It is a program that is supposed to connect you to your inner creativity. It may sound a little out there, but sometimes I try out there stuff. So after reading the first chapter, I thought, why not? Creative endeavors always feed my soul and as of late, my soul needs some feeding. Part of the program is to take yourself on a weekly artist date. Dating myself to connect to my inner creativity? Younger versions of myself may have laughed at this, but the mom version of myself is excited about the idea of time alone .  In pure defiance of the snow I have seen almost daily for months, for my first artist date, I decided to get a pedicure. I mostly was there for the foot massage, but I figured if I make my toes sandal ready, then surely the weather will take the hint and spring will start making its appearance. (I know, I know, we need the snow, we are in a drought. All the lakes a d...