I feel like this past week I've been waking up from a weird rut I've been in for who knows how long. This blog is called the Meandering Thoughts of Jan, so come meander with me, because I feel like I need to sort out some thoughts as I’ve been trying to sort out my life. I've been contemplating the (sometimes not-so-lovely) art of getting older. Lately I've been feeling much older than my actual age. This kind of dawned on me a couple of weeks ago when I was buying some new tunes. My tastes have chilled out quite a bit, which isn't a bad thing. In fact, quite a few musicians that I’ve enjoyed for years now seem to be chilling out right along with me. It reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom back when I was about 23. I was telling her about a concert that I had either been to or was coming up. She smiled and listened and once I had completed my raving about whatever band at the time, she said, "You know, when you are young...