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Showing posts from June, 2014

The Latest

* You guys, Danny and I are now home owners! Crazy, right! I still don't think it has sunk in yet, particularly because we haven't moved in yet. However, the past couple of weeks have been filled with painting, cleaning and packing, oh so much packing as well as other home owner stuff I'm learning about. (Special thanks to my parents and older brothers who helped with taping/painting, since I can't be around paint fumes and shout out to my mom who scrubbed the inside of that new house of ours in lightening time while I dusted. She is one hard worker. And of course thanks to Danny who has been working hard and been taking care of so much stuff!)  *The baby is doing pretty good, for those who are wondering. He moves a lot, which is fun. Every doc appointment I go to, she tells me everything is measuring perfectly and baby's heart beat and such are right on, which I'm most grateful for. We have a little less than 2 months now until baby time, which is incredibly

May on Instagram

May 5th - The nieces and a nephew having a great time jumping on the trampoline. They invited me to join in, but I had to decline. May 9th - I just love rainy days. May 10th - I showed up at my mom's house to find that we were matching. Great minds think alike. :) May 11th - My Mother's Day gifts from the husband. May 14th - Farm Life Photo Shoot. May 19th - The arrival of the 3rd trimester accompanied with a lot of heartburn and swelling joints and one wiggly baby (still inside of course). It is all worth it. May 22nd - Facing my fears in the shark tunnel at Living Planet Aquarium.   May 30th - Babysitting this little nephew is the best.   May 31st - Finally can check visiting the Spiral Jetty off of my bucket list. May 31st - Salt, Sun, Clouds and Mountains.

Sometimes I still do fun things...

Friends, I know it has been forever. Apparently, growing a baby as well as prepping for his arrival and taking on the adventure of buying a house and still trying to keep up with work and every day life has caused me to become a little brain dead. Every time I sit down to blog, I just go blank. However, I will try tonight. On the baby front, all is going well. Danny and I went to some birthing classes which we found very informative. My favorite part is when they taught the dads-to-be how to give back massages to relieve pain to the mommys-to-be. That was the best class. Baby likes to move and wiggle all the time. I also got a prescription from the doc, so the heartburn is way more bearable. The latest pregnancy symptom to combat is the swelling that comes with the heat. I had no idea how it can hurt! However, with ice packs and a nice sister and husband who will sometimes massage my ankles, we shall soldier on. On the house front, we have found a house we really like and things ar